Logo Design Brief

Help us help you

Enter a simple logo design brief to begin your project. This brief will help our designers create custom logo concepts for you to choose.

Your Name
Your Logo Name
Tagline or Slogan
Website Address
Tell us more about your business
Who are your main customers? (sex, age, social status, income level, occupation, hobby, etc.).
Select preferred colors for your logo:
(Select your preferred colors above) Cold Colors
Warm Colors
Contrast Colors
Tell us what you have in mind (font, color, etc...) You can also include links to examples.
How would you describe your business? (You may select more than one)
How are you different from your competitors? What is your unique selling point?
Will you require stationery or other design services? Would you like these services to be included in the quote as a package?

We’re here to help you create something amazing!